La Cotorrisa at The Wiltern

La Cotorrisa Tickets

The Wiltern | Los Angeles, California

La Cotorrisa

Sunday night is always a great night to have a few laughs and one or two beers with friends at a carne asada. If that’s what your typical Sunday looks like you may want to take those same friends of yours out to The Wiltern on Sunday, the 25th of August 2024. The guys from “La Cotorrisa” are coming to town. Their show is basically what you do every Sunday anyway! Hang out with friends and talk about anything and everything that comes to mind. This performance is the second one that they’ll have at the theater on back-to-back days.

That means that this Sunday show may be the last time to catch these guys in the LA area for the rest of the year. The thing with these comedy shows is that you never know when they’ll make their way back north of the border for them. Click the get tickets button to save your spot in the crowd that night.

The dudes from “La Cotorrisa” revealed that the reason that they started the podcast was actually lower numbers at their traditional stand-up acts. Both Ricardo Pérez and Slobotzky were having the same issue, and they realized that some other acts that had a bigger presence, whether it be podcasting or in social media, got better numbers at their shows. They came together to do the podcast because they were kind of buddies from the comedy circuit, and they realized that they only lived a few blocks away from each other. From their first show, they just kind of winged it, and it’s been like that ever since.

What does this all mean for the live show at The Wiltern on Sunday, the 25th of August 2024? It means that you’ll likely see a different show than the one they’ll put on a day before in the same venue! Usually these “La Cotorrisa” live shows include stand-up acts, whether it be warm-ups or even both Ricardo Pérez and Slobotzky will get up one at a time and do their sets. The next part of the show is where they’re just sitting around talking. What’s cool about the podcast is that they have different guests and cover a wide range of topics. Sometimes, what they’ll do in these live shows is bring on the warm-up act to do the round table concept with them.

There’s no reason to hide this: one of the best things about The Wiltren and why it’s seemingly perfect for this show are the bars. If you’re in the standing-room area, you can walk out to one of the bars. Hopefully, since it’s a comedy event, people aren’t going to be so eager to crowd the stage. You may be able to walk around the venue comfortably. The tickets are going fast, so that may be a bit of wishful thinking. They did get booked for two nights in a row for a reason. “La Cotorrisa” is one of the top comedy acts in Mexico. To make sure that you don’t miss out on this event, hit that get tickets button.

La Cotorrisa at The Wiltern

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